Sunday, September 9, 2007

Back To Work

So tomorrow, after living for the past few weeks as a lady of leisure, I'm back to work for two weeks. I'll be doing data entry onto an accounting system for the office of a company in Inverness who provide social care in the area. This menial (in comparison) work will be at £7 an hour, whereas for utilising a significant percentage of my IT knowledge in the last place on an IT helpdesk I was earning £5.67 an hour. "£5.67 an hour?!" I hear you say. "I thought the minimum wage was higher than that!?" Yeah, me too, heh. Ah well - all over now! Meanwhile, another agency are putting me forward for a Project Manager role with the NHS. It sounds promising, what I know of it so far - but I don't know much as it's a new position they're creating so they're kinda sussing it out when they see CV's. I'm confident enough in my CV that I'm sure I'll at least get some serious consideration for the post.

In other, more interesting news...

I was browsing some blogspot blogs today and came across this little bit of funny:

Overheard Lines

Check it out. Made me chuckle a few times. Yes, people really are that stupid (note the country of origin!).

There haven't been any more developments with the neighbours. I sent the abridged version of the note (by 'sent' I mean 'crammed through the letterbox'), but we've had no reply. This morning, we saw an ambulance taking the woman's drunken mother away strapped into a wheelchair, so I don't know what was going on there - later on, the woman was carrying a plate of food through into her mother's house so she must've been back. Maybe she had a seizure because she ran out of booze, or something.

Kilty's almost at the end of bioshock - he has some two chapters / missions left, the second of which is the big boss fight. Right now, he's... ah, I won't say as it'll be a bit of a spoiler to those who haven't played!

I've ordered a couple of games from Amazon... one was Ninety Nine Nights after playing the demo, and er... I think the other was Bullet Witch (I looked at a few and can't remember which I ended up ordering). Bullet Witch sounds like hacking slashing fun, which always has a place. Ninety Nine Nights was purrrrdy!

Oookay, this is turning into a fairly significant post! Will be calling it a night soon - for the past week we've been staying up until 3 or 4am and getting up at noon, heh... but not tonight, since we're both back to work tomorrow!

Anyway. Byeeeeee!


cherreh said...

I predict that you will land the job.

I do.

Anyway, I just had a look at the overheard lines page. My favourite had to be a tie between the "Spain" one and the "big fucking church" one. Heh!

Let us know how the first day goes.

Welsh Pixie said...

I sent one in to them. I overheard two architects discussing what must've been someone's house:

"She has an unfortunate frontal aspect.."


I will post about the first day tomorrow ^.^

MABrock1980 said...

Heh - the church one was my favourite, too. That, and:

Man 1: "Odd, isn't it? Blind people on a sightseeing trip."
Man 2: " Not really. There's bugger-all to see."

Hope you have a good day at work. It's my first day of college today, which just so happens to coincide with my first hangover in several months. Not a great combination...

Chandramoon said...

hello there!!