Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Madness Hamsters

So today was interesting. Spent the majority of the day (9am - 4pm) musing on the insanity of the psychologists I work with (and, ironically, their absent-mindedness), and from 4:15pm, spent the remainder of the working day wondering if the crazy man trying to break into the building would still be there when I left. Fortunately his care worker had found him by then (24 hour care my ass) and managed to drag him off, almost literally kicking and screaming (well, okay - shouting and hitting things with a stick he'd picked up somewhere).

But that's what you get when you work in a mental hospital!

Came home fighting off a headache, had a bath in bath salts and rose petals (luxury!), ate an oven-baked potato with real butter, cheese and mango chutney (delicious!), got made a hot chocolate by my man, and now I'm playing Warcraft. Woo hoo!


MABrock1980 said...



And nutters! :D

Dante said...

Hang on.

Where the Hamsters?

MABrock1980 said...

Don't you see? That is the madness! @)

Moomin said...

Ah I had a friend working at a mental hospital. He always had scary stories to tell :(

Dante said...

I used to work at a ward that shared the buiding where the looney bin was. To top if off, the house is this real dark and old red building from the WW2 era, So not exactly a picnic.

One incident I do remember. The staffa had to relocate all lotions and ointments and things like that in to the locked vault. Because there was a patient who felt they were all so yummy.

MABrock1980 said...

I'm sure there's a fly-in-the-ointment gag in there somewhere, but it's too late in the evening to think about it...